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Cristina de Middel (ES)
Lucas Leffler (BE)
Marwan Bassiouni (CH)
Maartje ter Horst (NL)- Locatie
- Cloud Nine
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FOTODOK Book Club #20
Live talkshow over fotoboeken met Rob Hornstra
English below
De FOTODOK Book Club: een live talk-show waarin fotograaf en fotoboekenliefhebber Rob Hornstra op het podium in gesprek gaat met fotografen, ontwerpers en uitgevers. (Inter)nationale gasten vertellen het verhaal achter hun laatste project en de keuzes die ze gemaakt hebben bij het tot stand komen van hun publicatie. Levendige gesprekken met af en toe een kritische noot gegarandeerd!
Te gast bij de 20ste FOTODOK Book Club is: Cristina de Middel (ES), Lucas Leffler (BE), Marwan Bassiouni (CH) en Maartje ter Horst (NL). Let op: Engels gesproken.
Live talk show in which photographer and photo-book aficionado Rob Hornstra goes on stage with makers of photo books: photographers, designers and publisher are interrogated about their latest projects. Acclaimed international makers talk about the stories they try to tell and the choices they make when translating them into a photo book. Expect compelling content with the occasional critical note.
With guests:
Cristina de Middel is a Spanish documentary photographer and artist. She works in Uruapan, Mexico. In 2012, De Middel published The Afronauts, a photo book about the Zambian space program in South Africa. In her pictures, she investigates photography's ambiguous relationship to truth. By blending documentary with conceptual photographic practices, she plays with reconstructions and archetypes in order to build a more layered understanding of the subject she approaches.
Lucas Leffler lives and works in Brussels. His fascination for science and history forms the basis of his work. His book Silver Creek is inspired on an inpiring story of Gevaert, the Belgium factory for analogue film rolls. An employee of this factory is said to have extracted half a ton of silver annually from the waste that the factory discharged into the Grensbeek.
The Dutch photographer Maartje ter Horst brings an ode to the smallest museums of the Netherlands, and the people behind them. This project that Maartje started in the beginning of 2018, resulted in a photo book that she will talk about in this Book Club.
Last may, Marwan Bassiouni published his first book. New Dutch Views is a photo book about views from Dutch Mosques. The window of the mosque forms the frame of the world outside the mosque. A few last copies of his book are available at the pop-up bookstore in the Cloud Nine.