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FOTODOK Book Club #21

Live talkshow over fotoboeken met Rob Hornstra


English below

De FOTODOK Book Club: een live talk-show waarin fotograaf en fotoboekenliefhebber Rob Hornstra op het podium in gesprek gaat met fotografen, ontwerpers en uitgevers. (Inter)nationale gasten vertellen het verhaal achter hun laatste project en de keuzes die ze gemaakt hebben bij het tot stand komen van hun publicatie. Levendige gesprekken met af en toe een kritische noot gegarandeerd!

Te gast bij de 21ste FOTODOK Book Club zijn: Paolo Woods (CA/NL), Marina Caneve (IT) en Jack Latham (EN).

Live talk show in which photographer and photo-book aficionado Rob Hornstra goes on stage with makers of photo books: photographers, designers and publisher are interrogated about their latest projects. Acclaimed international makers talk about the stories they try to tell and the choices they make when translating them into a photo book. Expect compelling content with the occasional critical note.

With guests:

Paolo Woods blends photography with investigative journalism. In 2003, he published the book Un monde de Brut (A Crude World), where he tackles the subject of the oil industry, covering the industry in twelve countries. Other subjects on which he published books were the western involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq (American Chaos, 2004), the rise of Chinese influence in Africa (Chinafrica, 2008) and the Iranian society through intimate portraits (Walk on my Eyes, 2010). He has received various prizes including two World Press Photo Awards.

Marina Caneve is a photographer working within an interdisciplinary approach. In her work Caneve addresses the issues of vulnerability, the environmental, social and cultural, and the construction of knowledge through the visual arts. Projects of her are Are They Rocks or Clouds, in which she addresses the history of hydrogeological events in the Dolomite mountains, Bridges Are Beautiful, a project about freedom and movement, and The Shape of Water Vanishes in Water, a series of photographs set in a sandy, grassy Cavallino Treporti, in which she asks us to think about the future of these kinds of environments.

Jack Latham is a documentary photographer. His books include A Pink Flamingo, made along the route of the Oregon Trail in the USA at a time of national financial hardship and Sugar Paper Theories about the Reykjavik Confessions in Iceland - a case of memory distrust syndrome in which six people confessed to murders the did not commit. His latest project, Parliament of Owls, focuses on Bohemian Grove, a private gentlemen's club in Northern California and the dangers of not providing context to the public.

Foto: Martha Kamminga