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Live talkshow over fotoboeken met Rob Hornstra
English below
De FOTODOK Book Club: een live talkshow waarin fotograaf en fotoboekenliefhebber Rob Hornstra op het podium in gesprek gaat met fotografen, ontwerpers en uitgevers. (Inter)nationale gasten vertellen het verhaal achter hun laatste project en de keuzes die ze gemaakt hebben bij het tot stand komen van hun publicatie. Levendige gesprekken met af en toe een kritische noot gegarandeerd!
Te gast bij de 19e FOTODOK Book Club zijn: Samuel Fosso (CAR), Ilvy Nijokiktjien (NL), Lebohang Tlali (SA) en Theo Derksen (NL). Let op: Engels gesproken.
Live talk show in which photographer and photo-book aficionado Rob Hornstra goes on stage with makers of photo books: photographers, designers and publishers are interrogated about their latest projects. Acclaimed international makers talk about the stories they try to tell and the choices they make when translating them into a photo book. Expect compelling content with the occasional critical note.
It will be an evening about self-portraits and identity, about the generation in South-Africa born after the end of apartheid in 1994, about the impact of a photobook and about making outdoor surroundings more beautiful by installing big photos.
With guests:
Samuel Fosso (CAR) - Autoportait and SixSixSix
Samuel Fosso is best known for his autoportraits, in which he transforms himself into other people and characters drawn from popular culture and politics.
He is born in Kumba, Cameroon, in 1962, and lived in Nigeria as a child. He fled Nigeria and the Biafra War with his family, and sought refuge in Bangui in the Central African Republic. He discovered photography in his early teens and followed a brief apprenticeship with a local photographer. In 1975, at the age of 13, he opened his own photography studio. He would take pictures of himself, to communicate his well-being to his grandmother in Nigeria. However, the staged self-portraits also became a mode of self-representation, and it gradually took on a more universal social and political dimension.
In the Book Club, Fosso will talk about his yet to be released books Autoportrait and SixSixSix.
Ilvy Njiokiktjien (NL) - Born Free
Ilvy Njiokiktjien is a Dutch photographer born in Utrecht. She has worked in many parts of the world, with a focus on Africa. She is a news and documentary photographer, so she mostly covers current affairs and contemporary social issues. In 2013, she was the first photographer in the Netherlands to be named Fotograaf des Vaderlands.
In the Book Club, Njiokiktjien discusses her decade-long project that is documented in her book Born Free. Here, she is depicting the opportunities and challenges faced by children in South Africa that have been born after the abolishment of the apartheid.
Lebohang Tlali (SA) - Welkom Today
South-African photographer Lebohang Tlali will share the story on the remake of Ad van Denderen’s book about his hometown that resulted in a new book and exhibition Welkom Today. The exhibition is still on show in the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam until 13 October.
Theo Derksen (NL) - Disneyfication
Theo Derksen noticed an remarkable phenomenon worldwide: the surroundings of streets are made more beautiful by installing big pictures. With these pictures, an alternate truth is created, like decors on a filmset. Theo Derksen calls this 'disneyfication'.
With his pictures Theo Derksen tries to challenge this ideal world by showing the bumps: the rips in the wallpapers, constructions that distort the images or by showing that not all ugliness can be covered with pictures. This disneyfication is covered in his book Disneyfication, which he will talk about in his Book Talk.
Kennis & Debat in TivoliVredenburg
Dit programma is onderdeel van het Kennis & Debat-programma van TivoliVredenburg. Maandelijks een update krijgen met het volledige programma? Schrijf je dan in voor de Kennis & Debat-nieuwsbrief.
Foto: Martha Kamminga